Il n'y a pour l'instant aucun produit dans votre panier.
But there is something I need to get off my chest and kindly ask you to think about. So please bare with me as I rant!
The hell that is called ‘making a planning’
As you all know I too am a horse-owner and rider. I know as well as any other horse-owner/rider that sometimes unforeseen things may happen (meaning that you cannot plan ahead), or have a surprise jump up on you (good or bad).
But in some cases,… sometimes… someone is just being a little annoying TWAT.
Making a planning takes time, and it is not myself I have to take into consideration, but the OTHER PEOPLE that have been added to this day too, as it effects them as well when someone keeps changing dates, times and appointments. The routes I have to do mean I cannot just plonk you any old where, or I am driving my car more than helping horses. And the transport costs for you all would go THROUGH THE ROOF !
Please do try your best not to do the following as it is not only a nuisance for me, it is also annoying for other people that are also waiting to get an appointment with us. There are only 24 Hours in a day… and I do long days and work weekends too to keep clients waiting-lists to a minimum.
As I too, am impatient and want my horses to get the best, as soon as I can. So I know the struggle is real !
But let me just give you a small example of what tends to happen with the above mentioned TWATS.
Here is “A day in the life of the Elite Bridle and Bit Fitter”
Chapter 4 : Making a planning
Day 1:
TWAT sends PM: I need a new bridle, can you come urgently as my horse does not like what he has.
B&R ; Yes of course, let me check my planning when I can come
TWAT : I hope I don’t have to wait as it is urgent
B&R : I will do what I can to come asap… Perhaps I can add you to the next day in your area, late in the evening or early morning + date given
TWAT : great !
Day 2 :
TWAT : Can you not come sooner, it is still 2 weeks before you can come and I urgently need a new bridle
B&R : Sorry, but I really can’t come sooner, I have already booked you now after working hours to help you
TWAT : Ok, will wait then
Day 3 :
TWAT : Sorry I have to cancel as I have just ordered a new saddle and don’t have the cash now
B & R : ok, no problem
TWAT: will let you know when I have money
B & R: No problem, just give a yell
Day 9 (yes 6 days later):
TWAT : can I make a new appointment? I am going to wait with the saddle so I can afford a bridle
B&R : sure no problem, let me check when I can do
TWAT : what about the date I had?
B&R : sorry, that’s already been filled in
TWAT : but it’s urgent !
B&R : Let me check and I will let you know
Day 10 :
B&R: sorry the first date I can come to you is 3 weeks from now
TWAT: That long?
B&R sorry, but I have many appointments and try to come to everyone as soon as possible
TWAT: ok then, will wait
B&R : see you then ! (date given)
Day 14 (yes 4 days later):
TWAT: My bridle broke yesterday, can you come sooner?
B&R : sorry, but I can’t I am booked full, and am abroad for work for a week, so I have no room to move anyone for you
TWAT : Then what do I do ?
B&R : I am sorry but for the short time you will have to perhaps borrow something, or ride with another noseband
Day 15 :
TWAT : I am going to cancel my appointment… I have decided to keep riding with this bridle because after adjustment it was ok
B&R : ok
Breath in .... Breath out ...
… Now I do understand that sometimes things break… and sometimes people change their minds… And I do have patience with them!
But in most cases when I come across these TWATS it is just someone wanting something right NOW and not understanding that they are not the only soul on this planet sending me a message.
I will not forsake the ’time-slot’ I give each client, so I can add one more to my day.
No! Everyone deserves the same amount of time and attention.
I do however if someones in real trouble, book you in after hours or on a (seldom taken) free day.
But arriving at the destination to find the person you are there to help just isn’t there !!!
Or have someone nagging my ears off for urgent help and then cancelling up-teen times, does not really help my motivational level when it comes to bending myself backwards to help.
There you go, rant over ! Liberated of the cloud above my head.
Now I can go back to being my calm and collected self.
And do another day of planning to help everyone as soon as possible… Because that is what I truly do LOVE doing.
Thanks for baring with me ...
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