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Each horse is an individual, with his or her own needs and particularities.
It was wonderful helping all types of horses and riders. Putting the pieces of the puzzle together and finding the best suited combination for each horse. So they could give you their best in comfort !
This Summer we also had some very special cases. And learned as much from these horses as they did from us !
These special horses give us the info we need to broaden our knowledge even further.
They remind us to look further than the standard and look "out of the box" for the right solution. (Even though we don't like putting horses in boxes as no 2 are the same ! )
Now Winter-time is upon us.
The clocks have been set back, and the days are getting shorter. That's why we will be filling our planner less packed than in the Summer time.
(So we can not visit as many clients in a weekend as we do in the Summer.)
Not only the less hours in a day, but also the fact we will be putting extra time in the further finishing of the Elite Bridle Fitter education that's starting next Spring mean that our planner is filling up very quickly !
Therefor we need to ask everyone that is considering asking our advise or services, to be sure to inform early enough.
Better sooner, than later !
Even if it is not for immediatly... Let us know and we can reserve a spot for you.
The days and hours in the winter are limited !
Something fun to do when it cold, wet and dreary:
We know in the winter, it can sometimes be challenging to train or ride with the bad weather and cold conditions.
Perhaps this would be a fun moment to give a lecture at your stables?
Or organise an info-day for our education?
Let us know what you are interested in and how many would be present and we can sent you a proposition !
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