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We just got happy news that our brand and logo are officially patented.
This means you can be sure if you see "Bridle&Ride" it is a high quality product or service by us.
As the name says itself, we are more than just a bridle fitter.
Bridle & Ride ... Bridle AND Ride !
We don't just help you find the bridle your horse needs to perform at his best in comfort. But we help you with much more !
Let us advise you what's the best adapted type of bridle, what he needs, and what will help you.
Of course we can help you with a suited bit too.
And further more...
We can help you find a better relaxed and elastic connection with your horse. We can help you be more aware of what you are doing, and give tips to make it better.
We are no trainers, and that is not our goal either. There are many ways to ride a horse.
But we CAN help advise you trainer with pressure measures to determine where the faults have snuck in to you riding. And work together in getting them right again ! As we know the horse is master in compensating, and a lot of small (wrong) habits can just be there without you even knowing!
We look at the horse from a completely different perspective. We look at the bigger picture and we can advise you when you need to call one of the professionals we work with closely to solve certain problems.
But why be so happy with a patent?
Well... Now our company brand name and logo are protected internationally, and will be checked too against counterfitting or copy-cats.
And why are we doing this?
- First and foremost because of our own unique concept.
- A lot of study and research has been done prior to what we are actively doing.
- We keep educating ourselves further, because research doesn't stand still, and you we also learn something new every day
- We stand behind our own filosophie and healthy way of thinking and work with people to help rider & horse in a positive way
- Our combination of education, knowledge & experience is the only one around.
We are not just a bit fitter or just a bridle fitter or a combination of these 2.
- We work closely with several brands to advise and help them better their models, which will in it's turn makes everyone happier!
We are Bridle & Ride : Elite Bridle (& Bit) Fitter.
Which means we stand for far more than just taking measurements and choosing a colour !
Due to our 'job' not being protected. With this patent we can protect what we stand for clearly.
Recognise the difference between us, and any other person who does just a fraction of what we do, and only have part (or in some cases none) of the scholing or knowledge that we do either.
With this patent we try to protect what we stand for and keep the quality HIGH at our level.
Because only those who have the same schooling as us, will be able to use the title Bridle&Ride "Elite Bridle (&Bit) Fitter"
We are proud of the recognition !
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